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edible manhattan

All images and content are copyrighted by Edible Manhattan. For more information and to subscribe to the magazine, visit:

Edible Manhattan is a print publication that tells the story of Manhattan's local food culture, five issues per year.
I work with the publisher, editor and photo editor to bring the design and layout of this beautiful magazine to life. I've been a part of this Manhattan team since August 2013.

Edible Manhattan— No.35
May/June 2014 Issue

The slideshow gives just a little taste of some of the various spreads throughout the issue, such as: the social media pages, Notable Edible—Farmer's Web, The Slaughterhouse Rules, Raising (Food On) The Roof, and Telepan // Cover Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher.

Social Media Pages

Social Media Pages

Notable Edible—Farmer's Web

Notable Edible—Farmer's Web

Photographs By: Patrick Kolts

The Slaughterhouse Rules (p.1 of 3)

The Slaughterhouse Rules (p.1 of 3)

Photographs By: Eric Medsker

The Slaughterhouse Rules (p.2 of 3)

The Slaughterhouse Rules (p.2 of 3)

Photographs By: Eric Medsker

The Slaughterhouse Rules (p.3 of 3)

The Slaughterhouse Rules (p.3 of 3)

Photographs By: Eric Medsker

Raising (Food On) The Roof (p.1 of 3

Raising (Food On) The Roof (p.1 of 3

Photographs By: Nancy Borowick

Raising (Food On) The Roof (p.2 of 3

Raising (Food On) The Roof (p.2 of 3

Photographs By: Nancy Borowick

Raising (Food On) The Roof (p.3 of 3

Raising (Food On) The Roof (p.3 of 3

Photographs By: Nancy Borowick

Telepan (p.1 of 4)

Telepan (p.1 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Telepan (p.2 of 4)

Telepan (p.2 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Telepan (p.3 of 4)

Telepan (p.3 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Telepan (p.4 of 4)

Telepan (p.4 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Edible Manhattan— No.36
July/August 2014 Issue

The slideshow gives a little taste of the beautiful photographs and spreads that can be found throughout the issue, such as Pop Life, and Heaven In Hell's Kitchen. // Cover Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Social Media Pages

Social Media Pages

Pop Life (P.1 of 4)

Pop Life (P.1 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Pop Life (P.2 of 4)

Pop Life (P.2 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Pop Life (P.3 of 4)

Pop Life (P.3 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Pop Life  (P.4 of 4)

Pop Life (P.4 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Heaven In Hell's Kitchen (P.1 of 5)

Heaven In Hell's Kitchen (P.1 of 5)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Heaven In Hell's Kitchen (P.2 of 5)

Heaven In Hell's Kitchen (P.2 of 5)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Heaven In Hell's Kitchen (P.3 of 5)

Heaven In Hell's Kitchen (P.3 of 5)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Heaven In Hell's Kitchen (P.4 of 5)

Heaven In Hell's Kitchen (P.4 of 5)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Heaven In Hell's Kitchen (P.5 of 5)

Heaven In Hell's Kitchen (P.5 of 5)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Edible Manhattan— No.37
2014 Issue

The slideshow gives a little taste of the beautiful photographs and spreads that can be found throughout the issue, such as Ear and There, Escape To River Cottage, and Found In Translation. // Cover Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Social Media Pages

Social Media Pages

Ear and There (p.1 of 3)

Ear and There (p.1 of 3)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Ear and There (p.2 of 3)

Ear and There (p.2 of 3)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Ear and There (p.3 of 3)

Ear and There (p.3 of 3)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Escape To River Cottage (p.1 of 2)

Escape To River Cottage (p.1 of 2)

Illustration By: Tae Won Yu

Escape To River Cottage (p.2 of 2)

Escape To River Cottage (p.2 of 2)

Photographs Courtesy: River Cottage

Found In Translation (p.1 of 3)

Found In Translation (p.1 of 3)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Found In Translation (p.2 of 3)

Found In Translation (p.2 of 3)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Found In Translation (p.3 of 3)

Found In Translation (p.3 of 3)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Edible Manhattan— No.38
Nov/Dec 2014
Joint Holiday Issue
Packed with stories from Edible Brooklyn, Edible Long Island, Edible East End (see other covers above, right)

The slideshow gives just a little taste of some of the various spreads throughout the 2014 holiday issue issue, such as: the social media pages, two gift guides, History By The Slide, Slice U, and Farming By Design // Cover Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher. //  Long Island Cover Photograph: Doug Young // East End Cover Photograph: Justin Walker.

Bottle Gift Guide

Bottle Gift Guide

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Ready-To-Eat Gift Guide

Ready-To-Eat Gift Guide

Photograph By: Doug Young

Social Media Pages

Social Media Pages

Necessary Gear

Necessary Gear

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Christmas In Paris, Via Cake

Christmas In Paris, Via Cake

Photographs By: Emily Dryden

History By The Slice

History By The Slice

Photographs By: Sharon Radisch

Slice U (1 of 3)

Slice U (1 of 3)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Slice U (2 of 3)

Slice U (2 of 3)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Slice U (3 of 3)

Slice U (3 of 3)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Farming By Design (1 of 4)

Farming By Design (1 of 4)

Photographs By: Ashley Sears

Farming By Design (2 of 4)

Farming By Design (2 of 4)

Photographs By: Ashley Sears

Farming By Design (3 of 4)

Farming By Design (3 of 4)

Photographs By: Ashley Sears

Farming By Design (4 of 4)

Farming By Design (4 of 4)

Photographs By: Ashley Sears

Edible Manhattan— No.39
2015 Drinks Issue

The slideshow gives a little taste of the beautiful photographs and spreads that can be found throughout the issue, such as Thirst For Knowledge, Bathed In Booze, How The Other Half Drinks, and Double Buzz. // The editorial content in this issue is the same as what ran in Edible Brooklyn No. 37. — Edible Manhattan & Edible Brooklyn started running the same editorial content in January 2015. // Cover Photograph By: Matt Furman

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Photograph By: Eric Medsker

Social Media Pages

Social Media Pages

Bathed In Booze  (p.1 of 4)

Bathed In Booze (p.1 of 4)

Photographs By: Lauren Volo

Bathed In Booze (p.2 of 4)

Bathed In Booze (p.2 of 4)

Photograph By: Lauren Volo

Bathed In Booze (p.3 of 4)

Bathed In Booze (p.3 of 4)

Photographs By: Lauren Volo

Bathed In Booze (p.4 of 4)

Bathed In Booze (p.4 of 4)

Photographs By: Lauren Volo

How The Other Half Drinks (p.1 of 4)

How The Other Half Drinks (p.1 of 4)

Photograph By: Matt Furman

How The Other Half Drinks (p.2 of 4)

How The Other Half Drinks (p.2 of 4)

Photographs By: Matt Furman

How The Other Half Drinks (p.3 of 4)

How The Other Half Drinks (p.3 of 4)

Photographs By: Matt Furman

How The Other Half Drinks (p.4 of 4)

How The Other Half Drinks (p.4 of 4)

Photograph By: Matt Furman

Double Buzz

Double Buzz

Photograph By: Patrick Kolts

Thirst For Knowledge

Thirst For Knowledge

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Edible Manhattan— No.40
2015 Innovation Issue

The slideshow gives a little taste of the beautiful photographs and spreads that can be found throughout the issue, such as Science Fiction Farming, Deus Ex Machina, Community-Supported Brewskis, and So Three Botanists Walk Into A Bar... // The editorial content in this issue is the same as what ran in Edible Brooklyn No. 38. — Edible Manhattan & Edible Brooklyn started running the same editorial content in January 2015. // Cover Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Social Media Page

Social Media Page

Illustration By: Chloe Hoeg

Science Fiction Farming (p.1 of 2)

Science Fiction Farming (p.1 of 2)

Photograph By: Patrick Kolts

Science Fiction Farming (p.2 of 2)

Science Fiction Farming (p.2 of 2)

Photographs By: Patrick Kolts

Deus Ex Machina (p.1 of 3)

Deus Ex Machina (p.1 of 3)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Deus Ex Machina (p.2 of 3)

Deus Ex Machina (p.2 of 3)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Deus Ex Machina (p.3 of 3)

Deus Ex Machina (p.3 of 3)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Three Botanists (p.1 of 2)

Three Botanists (p.1 of 2)

Photograph By: Emily Dryden

Three Botanists (p.2 of 2)

Three Botanists (p.2 of 2)

Photograph By: Emily Dryden

Community-Supported Brewskis

Community-Supported Brewskis

Photographs By: Michael Rudin

Edible Manhattan— No.41
2015 Eat Drink Local Issue

The slideshow gives a little taste of the beautiful photographs and spreads that can be found throughout the issue, such as Permaculture By The Playground, Shuck, Pop, Slurp, Slip [Oyster Bar], Kinder-garden. // The editorial content in this issue is the same as what ran in Edible Brooklyn No. 39. — Edible Manhattan & Edible Brooklyn started running the same editorial content in January 2015. // Cover Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Instagram Social Media Page

Instagram Social Media Page

Greenmarket Map

Greenmarket Map

Illustration By: Chloe Hoeg

Permaculture (p.1 of 3)

Permaculture (p.1 of 3)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Permaculture (p.2 of 3)

Permaculture (p.2 of 3)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Permaculture (p.3 of 3)

Permaculture (p.3 of 3)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Shuck, Pop, Slurp, Sip (p.1 of 3)

Shuck, Pop, Slurp, Sip (p.1 of 3)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Shuck, Pop, Slurp, Sip (p.2 of 3)

Shuck, Pop, Slurp, Sip (p.2 of 3)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Shuck, Pop, Slurp, Sip (p.3 of 3)

Shuck, Pop, Slurp, Sip (p.3 of 3)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Kinder-garden (p.1 of 4)

Kinder-garden (p.1 of 4)

Photograph By: Nancy Borowick

Kinder-garden (p.2 of 4)

Kinder-garden (p.2 of 4)

Photographs By: Nancy Borowick

Kinder-garden (p.3 of 4)

Kinder-garden (p.3 of 4)

Photographs By: Nancy Borowick

Kinder-garden (p.4 of 4)

Kinder-garden (p.4 of 4)

Photograph By: Nancy Borowick

Edible Manhattan— No.42
2015 Travel Issue

The slideshow gives a little taste of the beautiful photographs and spreads that can be found throughout the issue, such as In A Quieter Place, Farm Cooking School, Going With The Grain, and Dead Horse Bay. // The editorial content in this issue is the same as what ran in Edible Brooklyn No. 40. — Edible Manhattan & Edible Brooklyn started running the same editorial content in January 2015. // Cover Illustration By: Tae Won Yu.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Reader Feedback Page

Reader Feedback Page

Fisheries Illustration Map

Fisheries Illustration Map

Illustration By: Chloe Hodg

In A Quieter Place (p.1 of 2)

In A Quieter Place (p.1 of 2)

Photographs By: Michael Marquand

In A Quieter Place (p.2 of 2)

In A Quieter Place (p.2 of 2)

Photographs By: Michael Marquand

Farm Cooking School (p.1 of 4)

Farm Cooking School (p.1 of 4)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Farm Cooking School (p.2 of 4)

Farm Cooking School (p.2 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Farm Cooking School (p.3 of 4)

Farm Cooking School (p.3 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Farm Cooking School (p.4 of 4)

Farm Cooking School (p.4 of 4)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Going With The Grain (p.1 of 6)

Going With The Grain (p.1 of 6)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Going With The Grain (p.2 of 6)

Going With The Grain (p.2 of 6)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Going With The Grain (p.3 of 6)

Going With The Grain (p.3 of 6)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Going With The Grain (p.4 of 6)

Going With The Grain (p.4 of 6)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Going With The Grain (p.5 of 6)

Going With The Grain (p.5 of 6)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Going With The Grain (p.6 of 6)

Going With The Grain (p.6 of 6)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Dead Horse Bay

Dead Horse Bay

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Edible Manhattan— No.43
November/December 2015
Joint Holiday Issue
Packed with stories from Edible Brooklyn, Edible Long Island, Edible East End (see other covers above, right)

The slideshow gives just a little taste of some of the various spreads throughout the 2015 holiday issue issue, such as: Momo Dressing, Minding My Own, Feeding The Spirit, The Truffle Mafia, What's In Season, Heritage Apples, In The Kitchen With Dan Pashman, The Bushwick Tamale Tour, and Counting Our Lessings. // Cover Photograph By: Michael Rudin

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Instagram Social Media Page

Instagram Social Media Page

Gift Guide Spread

Gift Guide Spread

Momo Dressing  (p.1 of 2)

Momo Dressing (p.1 of 2)

Photograph By: Cayla Zahoran

Momo Dressing  (p.2 of 2)

Momo Dressing (p.2 of 2)

Photographs By: Cayla Zahoran

Minding My Own (p.1 of 2)

Minding My Own (p.1 of 2)

Photograph By: Katelyn LaGrega

Minding My Own (p.2 of 2)

Minding My Own (p.2 of 2)

Photograph By: Katelyn LaGrega

The Truffle Mafia (p.1 of 4)

The Truffle Mafia (p.1 of 4)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

The Truffle Mafia (p.2 of 4)

The Truffle Mafia (p.2 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

The Truffle Mafia (p.3 of 4)

The Truffle Mafia (p.3 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

The Truffle Mafia (p.4 of 4)

The Truffle Mafia (p.4 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Feeding The Spirit (p.1 of 4)

Feeding The Spirit (p.1 of 4)

Photograph By: Michael Rudin

Feeding The Spirit (p.2 of 4)

Feeding The Spirit (p.2 of 4)

Photographs By: Michael Rudin

Feeding The Spirit (p.3 of 4)

Feeding The Spirit (p.3 of 4)

Photographs By: Michael Rudin

Feeding The Spirit (p.4 of 4)

Feeding The Spirit (p.4 of 4)

Photograph By: Michael Rudin

What's In Season Collage

What's In Season Collage

Photographs: Various Photographers

Heritage Apples (p.1 of 2)

Heritage Apples (p.1 of 2)

Photograph By: Laura Luciano

Heritage Apples (p.2 of 2)

Heritage Apples (p.2 of 2)

Photograph By: Laura Luciano

Dan Pashman (p.1 of 4)

Dan Pashman (p.1 of 4)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Dan Pashman (p.2 of 4)

Dan Pashman (p.2 of 4)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Dan Pashman (p.3 of 4)

Dan Pashman (p.3 of 4)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Dan Pashman (p.4 of 4)

Dan Pashman (p.4 of 4)

Photograph By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Counting Our Lessings (p.1 of 4)

Counting Our Lessings (p.1 of 4)

Photograph By: Doug Young

Counting Our Lessings (p.2 of 4)

Counting Our Lessings (p.2 of 4)

Photographs By: Doug Young

Counting Our Lessings (p.3 of 4)

Counting Our Lessings (p.3 of 4)

Photographs By: Doug Young

Counting Our Lessings (p.4 of 4)

Counting Our Lessings (p.4 of 4)

Photographs By: Doug Young

Bushwick Tamale Tour (p.1 of 4)

Bushwick Tamale Tour (p.1 of 4)

Illustration Graphic By: Jayda Chi

Bushwick Tamale Tour (p.2 of 4)

Bushwick Tamale Tour (p.2 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Bushwick Tamale Tour (p.3 of 4)

Bushwick Tamale Tour (p.3 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Bushwick Tamale Tour (p.4 of 4)

Bushwick Tamale Tour (p.4 of 4)

Photographs By: Scott Gordon Bleicher

Disclaimer: These are just projects that I have collaborated with the Edible team with.  I do not own the intellectual property or photographs shown.


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